Tuesday, February 05, 2008

A quick you-read-it-here-first observation about the "Super Tuesday" results: Hillary Clinton's primary victories are concentrated largely in "blue" states (those that tend to vote Democratic), while Obama's are concentrated largely in "red" states (those that tend to vote Republican).

Off-the-top-of-my-head explanation: As the establishment candidate, Clinton wins over Democrats in states where being a Democrat means identifying with the establishment. As the insurgent outsider, Obama wins over Democrats in states where being a Democrat means thinking of oneself as a rebel outsider.

Quick prediction: Within a couple of days, this observation will be widely noticed, often talked about, and probed for deep meaning. But you read it here first!

1 comment:

Roland Dodds said...

That’s an interesting explanation, and you’re probably right.

What I also found striking was the areas that have high concentrations of Mexican Americans in California, and how they went to Clinton. I kept hearing how Obama was going to take that crowd all week.