Recent efforts by Imams to stop the rioting in France remind me of a story I once heard a comedian tell about how Frank Sinatra saved his life.
The comedian was walking down an alley in Las Vegas when suddenly two goons jumped him and started beating him horribly. Just when he was sure he was going to die he heard Frank Sinatra walk up and say, "That's enough".
"And that's how Frank Sinatra saved my life."
The "Black leadership" is usually similarly helpful whenever the Black street gangs (AKA youths) riot in the United States. After doing their best to prevent riots by announcing the time and place the riots will occur unless their demands are met, the leaders then "appeal for calm" as they negotiate with the government. Their power is increased as much by their ability to stop riots as by their ability to start them. We know what side they are really on by what they don't say: "There is no excuse for violence; if it occurs, the police must protect innocent people by using as much force, including deadly force, as necessary."
The (immediate) result of these French riots will be assertions that there is no connection with Islam, while at the same time the government negotiates with the Imams.